
helping hand is happywho to lenda to others.Iwant tobesomeone*G@UDADDMRSTCXHMFHMSGD6,AXLXRDKERHMBDSGDRTLLDQNELXRDBNMCXD@QNEGHFGRBGNNK@MC@LBTQQDMSKXRSTCXHMF/@STQ@K4BHDMBDR@S$@LAQHCFD6MHUDQRHSXHMSGD6,*@LMNS@QDSTQMDDEQNL@AQN@CATS*SGHMJSGDQD@RNM*CDBHCDCSNRSTCX@AQN@CV@RADB@TRDNESGD&MFKHRGBK@RRDR*DWODQHDMBDC@S.TR@RGHMN)HF@RGH+TMHNQ)HFG4BGNNKThe classes consistently focused on the use of English. I still remember the class in which we had to listen to English news, CNN, etc. and guess the contents. At first, I could not catch any of the unique phrases peculiar to the news, but I really enjoyed feeling myself growing little by little.I also think that I acquired the ability to communicate and express myself at Musashino Higashi Junior High School. I needed to express my opinions clearly and accurately in various situations such as speech contests, Special classes for the high school exam, and club activities. In Special classes for the high school exam ,which coincidentally was used in the Cambridge University entrance exam, we were asked the question, "Is it OK to sell your own kidney?" ,Which coincidentally was used in the Cambridge University entrance exam. Though, it was part of the group debate practice, I was very inspired when I heard my friends' opinions in a very clear and logical way. Now in college, I have many essay assignments, and the logical approach I learned in junior high school is still very useful to me today.Above all, I think it was the dance club that helped me grow during my time at school. My attitude toward hard work, my ability to persevere, and my belief in myself and my friends have all helped me to become the person I am today. During my study abroad, especially at the university, the level of classes and the people around me is very high, and I struggle to keep up with them, but the fact that I was able to do my best in the dance club has given me con■dence, and I am able to stand my ground now.I am not sure how my experience will contribute to society in the future, but I strongly hope to continue to interact with people from different backgrounds, gain experience, and become a person who is willing to lend my hand to help others.日本語原文は3ページ英検準2級以上(2023年度3年生)学校法人武蔵野東学園武蔵野東中学校A message from an alumniMUSASHINOHIGASHIJUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL202585%

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